House 13 - The Sims 4 - Via Sims

House 13 - The Sims 4

By Via Sims - maio 29, 2015

Essa é a versão da minha casa Seafront Home do The Sims 3 para o The Sims 4. 
Tamanho do lote: 30 X 20
Não tem conteúdos personalizados. No CC

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18 comentários

  1. Por que seus gráficos são tão bons? 😭

    1. Oi Caio! Desculpe a demora na resposta...Os gráficos são por causa da placa de vídeo. A minha placa é uma NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 745 4GB DDR3. Essa placa vem com computadores da Dell. Meu pc é esse aqui > http://www.dell.com/br/p/xps-8700/pd?oc=cax8700w8s161105brp345w&model_id=xps-8700
      Ou melhor, será meu quando eu terminar de pagar! rsrsrs

  2. Respostas
    1. Veja como instalar nesse tutorial > http://viasims.blogspot.com.br/2014/09/como-baixar-e-instalar-conteudos-sims-4.html

  3. Adorei suas casas! <3 Parabéns!!

  4. Oi, Via linda! Usei uma de suas casas no meu Let's Play, ha!
    Se quiser dar uma olhada:


    Beijocas e esta casa também está linda.

    1. Olá! Puxa que legal! ADOREI!
      Beijos! =)

  5. LOVE This house, but do you know why everytime I place it the furniture is just all over the place. None of it sits in the correct spot so I have to look at your photos to know what goes where. I turned bb.moveobjects off and it did the same thing when I placed it again. So I tried just placing it from the gallery and when I placed it from the gallery instead of my library like the first few times, it only showed up with some of the furniture, a lot of it was missing. The only thing that showed up was the first floor furniture and the bathroom, everything else wasn't there.
    I'm just gonna look at the pictures to see what goes where BUT I was wondering if you knew what the problem was so I don't have it again.

  6. Hello! This occurs when we try to put a house in the Town View. You must put the House through the lot, do so:

    1. Enter the Lot where you want to place the House
    2. open your game library and choose the home that will put
    3. place the House in the lot. So it must work!

    (sorry my bad english)


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